The UK is going to have its first December General Election in nearly a century, on Thursday 12th December.
Electoral Registration:
In order to vote, you need to be on the Electoral Register. You should have received a Household Enquiry Form from the Dunbartonshire and Argyll & Bute Joint Valuation Board during July or August. This form allows you to update the electoral details of everyone who lives at your property – including 16- and 17-year-olds.
If you have recently moved house, or if you have not received a form from the Valuation Board, you can register to vote here at the UK Government website.
Postal Votes:
Most elections are held in the summer, so the weather and the dark mornings and evenings are not a limiting factor. If you think that – for whatever reason – you might not be able to get out to vote in person, you can apply for a Postal Vote by downloading a form from the Electoral Commission website. You don’t need to give a reason to apply for a Postal Vote.
The 12th December is still during term time or exam time for many students. Don’t panic! Students can register to vote both at their address in their ‘home’ constituency, and also at the address they live at during term time. Students can also apply for a Postal Vote without needing to give a reason
In a General Election, you are only allowed to vote in one constituency – voting twice would be a criminal offence. In local elections, however, you are allowed to vote in two different local authorities as they are two different elections. See the Electoral Commission website for more details.