As of Monday 26th April, all of Scotland has moved to Protection Level 3.
Up to six people from two households can meet indoors in a venue like a café, pub or restaurant with proper physical distancing and hygiene measures in place. Up to six people from six households can meet outdoors in a private garden or public space like a park. Under 12s do not count towards these numbers.
Non-essential shops can now open, but theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, concert halls, and stadiums must stay closed. Close contact services like hairdressers, nail bars, and spa therapies may open, but with strict hygiene controls and limited numbers of people.
It seems to have taken a long time to get back to this level of restriction, but there is still every reason to be vigilant. Please remember F.A.C.T.S.
- Face coverings whenever you are near other people .
- Avoid crowded places.
- Clean hands and surfaces regularly.
- Two meters distance from other people.
- Self-isolate and get tested if you have symptoms.
If you are ill or self-isolating, or if you normally receive care and your support network has been interrupted by Covid-19 restrictions, OPAL is here to help you. We can help you with shopping, prescription deliveries, and now that the volunteers are allowed to enter people’s homes to carry out non-essential maintenance and repair work, we can help you with some basic handyperson services.
OPAL can still help you with the things we have done for the past nine years: information about health and social care services, getting support in the community, finding a plumber or a gardener, or anything else you might need in East Dunbartonshire.
Give OPAL a call on 0141 438 2347, or email You can also find us on social media @opaleastdun.
Monday – Friday
9:00 – 5:00
10:00 – 12:00