Mrs H called looking for information about extra care or possibly moving into a care home as she felt she was no longer coping well enough at home.
She gets Home Care four times per day and pays for someone to come in and make her dinner for her in the evening, but feels her biggest obstacle is coping in the morning when she gets up. Mrs H describes herself as ‘slow to get going’ and thinks that the ten minutes she gets from Home Care is not enough for her to get comfortable.
Her OPAL adviser explained about Self Directed Support and direct payments, and how she could get someone to come in for longer in the morning and either spend less time during the rest of the day or top up her payments to get extra hours for the week.
When Mrs H called back, she revealed that she was so much happier that she can remain in her own home now she uses Self Directed Support and Direct Payments and feels like a weight has been lifted.