OPAL have been informed that, as of 31st Dec 2024, East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership will cease funding the OPAL Helpline. This helpline is delivered in partnership between three local charities, Ceartas, Carers Link and East Dunbartonshire Citizen’s Advice Bureau. The OPAL helpline has provided a vital community service, free of charge, for residents of East Dunbartonshire over the last 12 years.
This cut will result in redundancies of four staff posts across the partner organisations. Crucially, it will also have a significant impact on East Dunbartonshire residents who rely on this service as well as GPs, Pharmacists and Health and Social Care staff who utilise the OPAL Helpline on behalf of patients and clients.
Partners are currently working with East Dunbartonshire HSCP to identify if there are alternative sources of support following the closure of the helpline.
The OPAL Team