The world of politics seems quite complicated at the moment, and nobody really seems to know what is going on from day-to-day. However, there is a real possibility that there will be a General Election in the near future, and if you want to have your say in any election, first you must be registered to vote.
Normally the Local Authority will write to you every year with a Household Enquiry Form, and if there are any changes in circumstances you can update the details then. You must return this form before the deadline on the letter.
If you have moved house, or you have not received a Household Enquiry Form, you may need to register to vote. Registering is quick and easy, you fill in an online form at the Government website, and they will forward your details to the Local Authority.
You have the option of not appearing on the ‘open register’, which means that companies that use the Electoral Register for marketing purposes cannot see your details; however political parties will still be able to send you unsolicited election materials.